Inspiration: The Virgin Suicides

Mostrar una faceta no convencional de la vida adolescente lejos de los bailes escolares y vida problemática materialista estadounidense, no es fácil. Encontrar proyecciones atractivas y bellas de estos retablos es aún mas difícil, para Sofía Copolla fue posible, inyectó modernidad, belleza y humor a esas fatídicas escenas que podrían estar llenas de morbo y frialdad.

Is not easy to find a non conventional angle of adolescent life, beyond school balls and material-american lifestyle. Find attractive and beautiful projections of this “altarpieces” is even harder but for Sofia Copolla it was possible. She injected modernity, beauty and humor into these dramatic scenes that could be full of morbid and cold images.  

Nos enamoramos de la muerte una vez mas. De la muerte y los vestidos post-victorianos en colores blanco y crema, encaje y algodón suave,  la única vestimenta de las hermanas, en representación a su supuesta pureza y juventud, las mismas cualidades de las que probablemente huían.

We fell in love with death once again. Death and post-Victorian dresses in cream and white, lace and soft cotton, the only costume wore by the sisters, who represents the supposed purity and youth, maybe the same qualities that made them try to run away. 

Me encuentro la película por todas partes últimamente, los arboles y Cinemax me la recuerdan así que es inevitable no verme inspirada por ella, por su suave estética y la excelentemente seleccionada música trip-hop de fondo. Junto a una pileta de imágenes, les dejamos un atuendo inspirado en “Vírgenes Suicidas”. Sin duda esas medias blancas y coronas de flores son altamente necesarias. 

Suddenly the movie appears everywhere, the trees and Cinemax remind me the scenes so is hard to ignore the inspiration, the soft esthetics and the excellent music selection based in trip-hop Air pieces. With a bunch of images we left an outfit inspired in “The Suicide Virgins”. Without a doubt this white socks and flower crowns are highly necessary. 

Awesome boots right? Everything is from Topshop!

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This entry was posted on miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012 and is filed under ,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Inspiration: The Virgin Suicides”

  1. This is an amazing inspiration! I'm such a big fan of Sophia Coppola! I love that you wrote about the symbolism of their clothes. I can't wait to see more inspiration posts from you in the future :D

    xo Amy
