Happy Holidays!

Despite not being a great fan of the holidays, I admit that I have enjoyed meeting with friends and family, enjoy a snack in  that only December allows and finally sit in a corner  to read after the post holiday sales/shopping anxiety.

A pesar de no ser gran entusiasta de éstas fiestas, admito que he disfrutado reunirme con amigos y familia, disfrutar un aperitivo que sólo diciembre permite y sentarme finalmente a leer en una esquina tras la ansiedad post ventas/compras navideñas.

I share my holiday outfit. Alluded colors included. Some vintage, some fur, do not miss the crop top and the inconsistency (or perhaps insistence) to wear sandals when your feet are frozen by cold temperatures.
Les comparto  navideño que he usado jamás. Colores alusivos incluidos. Algo vintage, algo de fur, no falta el crop top y la incongruencia ( o talvez insistencia) de usar sandalias cuando tus pies se congelan por las bajas temperaturas. 

Después de todo, lo importante en estas fechas no es precisamente lucir los mejores atuendos. El objetivo es disfrutar y compartir. Sin tanta ceremonia, departe de todos los colaboradores de Lazycatstyle les deseo felices fiestas!

After all, the matter at this time is not exactly to war the best outfit. The goal is to enjoy and share. Without much ceremony, from all Lazycatstyle team, we wish you happy holidays!

Michael by Michael Kors blazer with faux fur collar
Vintage square printed skirt

This entry was posted on martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Happy Holidays!”

  1. Great holiday look. It's different with a touch of festivity. And I love your hair btw.

    Happy Holidays!


  2. Klára Nekulová9 de enero de 2014, 2:04

    Absolutely perfect! :-)))

